Angular 2

Angular – a framework for dynamic web application. It was released in 2011 and it is maintained by Google and open-source community. It helps you organize the HTML, CSS and Javascript code.

Angular 2 is faster that Angular 1.

Angular 2 uses components instead of controlers and scope in Angular 1.

Data binding is more intuitive.

Creating custom directives is more simpler.

Services are now a class.

Other small improvements.

You can use Javascript with Angular 2 but not all browsers support the newest version of Javascript.

Workaround – transpile – write code the code in latest version of Javascript and transpile it into Javascript compatible with all browsers.

  • Babel
  • Typescript – superset of Javascript (including the ES2015 features) developed by Microsoft. It adds type checking and object oriented features.

Project closure

Closure is the final phase of the project life cycle.

Closure requires the consolidation of communications with team and stakeholders.

Closure requires feedback and to capture the learning experiences gained.

Some key questions in this phase:

  • Were the original objectives of the project delivered?
  • What do I have to measure?
  • How do I get and offer feedback?


  • obtaining project acceptance
  • finalising and terminating resources
  • de-establishing the team
  • capturing remaining costs and closing project related accounts
  • compiling a final project reports

Evaluating project success:

  • assessing, verifying and documenting project results
  • measure the performance of the project team

Capture lessons learned

Reward the effort, the team and the contributors


Le nom de la rose – Deuxième jour (I)

La deuxième jour Guillaume et Adso se conforment à l’usage bénédictin et ils descendent dans la choeur où la lecture de la Sainte Ecriture commençait. Pendant qu’ils chantaient les paroles du livre divin, trois porchers avec la terreur peinte sur leur face annoncent qu’un autre moine a été retrouvé mort. La victime était Venantius de Salvenec, un savant avec qui Guillaume et Adso avaient parlé dans l’après-midi. Guillaume croit que l’homme était déjà mort quand il a été flanqué dans la jarre. Plus tard, grace à la neige, des empreintes de pieds humains ont été découvertes entre le recipient et l’Edifice.

Guillaume decide d’interroger Bence et il trouve que lui, Adelme, Bérenger, Venantius, Malachie et Jorge avaient parlé de certains livres qui ont créé des désaccords entre eux. Bence d’Upsala confie aussi qu’il a entendu parler de quelque chose qui se trouve dans la bibliothèque.

Guillaume interroge un autre moine, Bérenger d’Arundel. Selon Guillaume il était le dernière personne a avoir vu Adelme vivant. Bérenger confie que Adelme lui reprochait de lui avoir appris quelque chose. A cause de cela Bérenger se sentait malheureuse et il souffrait beaucoup.

Dans l’après-midi, dans les cuisines, Guillaume et Adso assistent à une rixe entre deux personnes vulgaires, Salvatore et le cuisinier. Le cuisinier accuse Salvatore d’utiliser l’abbaye comme si c’était sa chose à lui, de jour et de nuit. Aymara d’Alexandrie fait plusieurs allusions et il dit que dans ce repaire de dements les abbés ne sont plus des abbés et les bibliothécaires ne sont plus des bibliothécaires. Il ajoute que le moine est homme aussi mais ces moines sont moins hommes qu’ailleurs. Il cloit la discussions en disant que dans l’abbaye le jour ils soignent les corps avec de bonnes herbes et la nuit ils rendent l’esprit malade avec de mauvaises herbes.

Guillaume et Adso inspectent la table de Venandius mais ils sont interrompus par l’omnipresent Jorge avec qui ils ont une autre  conversation sur le caractère licite du rire. Bence veut parler en urgence à Guillaume. L’histoire étrange et confuse fait croire à Guillaume qu’il a été attiré dans le seul but de l’éloigner du scriptorium.

Les festivities de Noel approchent et l’Abbé veut célébrer la naissance du Sauveur avec tout l’éclat et la magnificence qu’elle mérite et exige. Il se montre fier des richesses de son abbaye et plein de crainte au sujet des hérétiques.

Guillaume pense que l’histoire se complique de plus en plus. L’Abbé suggère avec beaucoup d’insistance une piste tellement différente de laquelle Guillaume avait pensé: le cellérier. Guillaume ne veut pas abandonner la premiere piste. Le veinard Alinardo dit à Guillaume quelque chose sur la façon de pénétrer dans l’Edifice.

Le nom de la rose par Umberto Eco.

Project team and communication

There are 4 key questions to keep in mind when doing project delivery:

  1. Am I delivering to the plan specifications and requirements?
  2. Am I able to secure supply of the necessary resources?
  3. Will I be able to manage and control the project scope?
  4. How will I be able to control quality?

The answer depends on the ability to communicate whit other parties. Build and maintain open and honest relationship with project team.

Stakeholder are the people and the organisations affected by the project. Understand their role so you can determine their expectations and needs. Internal stakeholders (project manager, project team, project management team) and external stakeholders (end users, customers, suppliers, contractors).

Teamwork is a critical factor in project success.

  • Assign role to the project team members by recruiting the right skill set.
  • Assign responsibilities. Each member should be clear about his role within the project.
  • Encourage and support project team members.

Effective communication

Three channels of communication:

  1. upward – the project manager communicates with senior managers. Topics: issues, risk, expectations of the project
  2. lateral – the project manager communicates with clients, suppliers, contractors and vendors. Topics: resource needs, progress update, budgets, schedule issues.
  3. directly – directly to the project team. Topics: highlights pending tasks, confirm delivery dates, schedule general team meetings.

Leadership skills can be developed over time.

Most important thing is to create trust and a common purpose among the project team members.

Determining project risk

Risk represents uncertainty and all the projects are exposed to some degree of risk.

The process of identifying, assessing  and responding to risk is called risk management. It will require ongoing communication with the team and engagement with the stakeholders and continuous monitoring and review.

The risk varies as a result of:

  • the extent and duration of the project
  • the period time between planning and execution
  • level of experience on similar projects
  • maturity of the technology used.

Risk can be multifaceted: technical, financial, commercial, reputational (intangible), etc.

6 steps to plan a major risk in the project:

  1. Understand the context of the project and confirm the objectives
  2. Risk identification
  3. Risk assessment – prioritise the risks by severity (a combination of likelihood and impact)
  4. Risk responses – develop risk response strategies
    1. Accepted
    2. Transfered
    3. Reduced
    4. Avoided
  5. Monitor and review – ongoing process
  6. Communicate


Organizing and delivering a pitch

Organize a presentation in a simple, direct way (The THREE TELLS).

  1. TELL WHAT you are going to say – Introduction
    • grab your audience attention 
    • the goal is that the audience to know what the product is and what they are going to learn about it
  2. TELL MORE – Body
    • the time for details
  3. TELL it AGAIN – Conclusion
    • repeat the main points

The audience is the most important part of the presentation.

Project management – Planning

An old adage which is completely true for project management: Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Characteristics for planning a project:

  • dilligence
  • investement of time
  • gathering sufficient information in order to have a detailed plan that helps avoid as many mishaps as possible

Scop, schedule and cost – 3 key areas

  1. Scop (what needs to be done to deliver the project)
    • first establish the project objectives
    • the tasks that need to be performed
    • the resource that will be required
    • determine the limitations of the project
    • work breakdown structure = one of the most important project management deliverables.
  2. Scheduling (how you plan to manage your time)
    1. Defining the activities
    2. Scheduling these activities
    3. Estimating the activity resources required (materials, people, equipement)
    4. Estimating the activity duration to complete (amount of work needed to complete individual activities using the estimated resources)
    5. Developing the schedule
  3. Costing the project (control the project costs using a budget). A constraint.
    • estimate the resources required
    • estimate the duration of these activities
    • prepare a cost estimation
    • seek additional budget or trade-off by reducing scope


How to prepare a job interview

  1. First impressions – Body language – make sure the first impressions are positive by being aware of:
    • posture
    • facial expressions
    • hand gestures
    • tone of voice
  2. Some past tense verbs for the interview
    • prepared, solved, managed, programmed, scheduled
    • worked, helped, increased, coached
    • acted, instructed, expanded, exceeded

Copying or mirroring the body language of people we’re talking to brings us closer to them.

3 types of questions:

  • ability
  • willingness
  • how well you will fit in

Give a direct answer and refer to the actual job.

Tell a story to catch their attention and share a personal experience about you.

A negative can become a positive!

Project management – Initiation

Consider the following questions:

  1. What is a project? What the project requires ?
  2. What is the problem i’m looking to solve?
  3. What do I need? Consider the resources.
  4. What are my options? Multiple way to approach a project. Consider different options.

Good initiation is extremely important for project planning.

Set SpecificMeasurableAlignedRealisticTime bound tags.

Scope is clear and elements of time, costs and quality are understood.

Assure you are given the necessary authority within your organisation.

Assumptions: need to consider them in planning. With no proof of certainty, thus they may or may not eventuate.They affect every day phase of the project management cycle.

Dependencies are relationship between specific tasks.

Constraints: Restrictions or limitations that will affect the performance of a project.

Use creative thinking techniques to generate multiple solutions.