Arrogant peer code reviewer

Sometimes, code review can become an adversarial activity so you must think in terms of your goals. Code review is supposed to help with quality code and sharing knowledge. Some people like to mentor and teach and others wield. This is what you can do when the feedback is poorly delivered:

  • If the feedback was helpful go ahead and improve yourself.
  • If the feedback doesn’t bring any improvement ask the reviewer to behave differently but don’t involve management directly about these interpersonal differences. Indirectly, ask other code reviewers, work on a different project, transfer.
  • Demonstrate him he is wrong by citing industry expert quotes, bringing books, websites, case studies.

Being « passionate » is not an excuse to treat you poorly, writing software should be fun.

The theory of evolution

The idea of souls contradicts the most fundamental principles of evolution.

Darwin theory deprived our souls and if you really understand it you understand that there is no soul (something indivisible immutable and potential eternal). According to it all biological entities evolved gradually step by step through millions of years.

Evolution means change and it doesnt produce an everlasting entity.

Mind is different from soul.

Mind is a flow of subjective experiences (based on sensation and desire). The consciousness is the concrete reality no one can doubt its existence.

Descartes – all other animals are mindless automata , akin to a robot or a vending machines.

Science doesn’t know very much about minds and consciousness. We don’t know how the electrochemical reactions from our brain create the subjective experiences like pain, anger or love.


The ancient Greek philosopher wanted to know how to be happy. He started a school for happiness called The Garden.

He believed people make three mistakes when thinking about happiness:

  1. We need romantic relationships – never put too much faith in relationships, friendships are more rewarding
  2. We need lots of money – the desire for money and prestige brings jealousy, backbiting. Working is satisfying when there is a sense of fulfilment though our labour
  3. Too much faith in luxury – what we really want is calm.

Three major changes Epicurus made in his life:

  1. He decided to live together with his friends and founded a commune
  2. Every in the commune stopped working for other people. They had less money but bigger satisfaction
  3. He and his friends spent periods of every day finding calm

Homo deus notes #1

Today humanity’s challenges:

  • famine
  • plague
  • war

Tomorrow humanity’s challenges:

  • eternal youth
  • the key to happiness – the pursuit of happiness – unalienable human right
    • psychological level: happiness depends on expectations rather than objective condtions
    • biological level: determined by our biochemistry  rather than by our economic, social or political situation. re-engineer Homo Sapiens to enjoy overlasting pleasure