Service Level Agreement

SLA defines Microsoft’s commitment for uptime and connectivity and what the customer is entitled to if Microsoft does not meet the commitment.

SLA is specific to each resource in Azure.

SLA also defines under what conditions Microsoft will make the guarantee.

Identify each resource you use, which resources have dependencies on other resources and figure out the expected time up percentage.

Question to ask yourself: Do you need to do better? Will the value of downtime affect your business? How much revenue could i lose?


Azure Functions C#

An Azure Function is a way to create a function that can run in the cloud and can handle/respond to different events that can happen in Azure. For example,  something was changed in a BLOB.

The developper doesn’t need to care about Virtual Machines or any infrastructure. You create the function, you deploy and you run it.

Azure Functions allows the developer to create serverless applications.

Azure Functions support triggers which is a way to start the execution of the code.

What can you do with Azure Functions?

  • building APIs and microservices
  • working with internet of things
  • task to run on a schedule (image/order processing, file maintenance)

Notes about clean code

Bad code can bring the company down.

Wading through bad code because we think that sometimes a working mess is better than nothing. Wrong!

Say the truth, most managers want good code. It’s a developer job to defend the code.


Azure multi-region deployments

The customers demand the highest performance in availability and their expectation is that the application will run even if even a data center may be down.

We can deploy publish the application into a second region that can be even on another continent.

Azure Traffic Manager will route clients to the one of the region where we deployed. It can be configured:

  • to route the clients to the lowest latency region for that specific customer
  • use geographic routing, for example, a customer from Europe will use a data center from Europe.
  • add a standby region –  route clients to the standby region where it is something wrong with the primary region.

Geo-replication for our data – Azure SQL and Document DB replicate data around the world. For example, you can have a primary database in the first region and a secondary database in the second region. All the operations committed to the primary database will be replicated (asynchronously) to the second database.

Aristotle’s philosophy

  • What makes people happy? – the table of virtues and vices
  • What are friends for?
    • friends – the interest in pleasure and the opportunity of the moment
    • friends as strategic acquintances
    • true friend –  someone not like you but about whom you care as much as you care about yourself.
  • How can ideas cut through in a busy world?
    • soothe people’s fears
    • see the emotional part of the issue

How to raise mentally tough children

  • Don’t condone a victim mentality – it is OK that sometimes bad things happen, that people won’t treat you fairly – he can choose to try again
  • Don’t prevent them to make mistakes – to make mistakes is OK, you have to learn him how to bounce back – How do we deal with that mistake? How can we do better next time? Learn from mistakes
  • Let them assume responsibility

Web application + App Service

When an Web application or an API needs to be published to Azure => App Service – Platform as a Service – no need to take care of the virtual machine or the OS. The deployments will be nearly instantaneous because all the infrastructure is already in the place so we can publish directly from the source code.

An App Service plan can be used to scale vertically to add/remove cores or to scale horizontally to add/remove instances. Or use auto-scale.

Use diagnostic tools, metrics tools, debugging tools (even a remote debug session and step through code running inside an App Service) instead of connecting remotely and inspect the environment.

Deployment slots associated with an app service (Staging, QA, Production).

Storage account (BLOB Storage) – store log and diagnostic files, user uploads, application static content (images, videos, script and CSS files) – this way the content will be pushed into Azure Content Delivery Network

Database – Azure SQL (relational model) or Document DB (storing documents) or both. The details (patches, logs)  are handled by Azure (database as a service).

To talk about – Azure Resource Group – encapsulates all these resources (App Service, App Service Plan, Storage Account, Azure SQL) – a logical container for resources – grouping all the application resources into a single group will make it easier to manage the Azure services.


Clean code #2 Naming

We are doing a lot of naming so we should do it well.
The name should tell why it exists, what it does and how it is used.

Some rules for a good naming:

  • use intention revealing names
  • avoid disinformation (using inconsistent spelling is also disinformation)
  • make meangful distinction
  • use pronounceable names (programming is a social activity)
  • use searcheable names
  • no hungarian notation
  • no member prefixes
  • pick one word per concept
  • don’t use funny names

Clarity is the king – professional programmers understand that, smart programmers may not.

School of life #1

How to be an entrepreneur – a different route

  • an accurate insight into the causes of the human unhappiness – become an expert in the things that make life difficult to people.

How to start a business – another path, a business of love

  • a majority of businesses don’t love what they do (pragmatic business).
  • Business of love (a total commitment to excellence, a focus on the long term, a meaning of life). Offer the world something you love a little more intensely than most people do.


Un personnage fictif

La femme avance vers nous à pas petits et lents. Son allure n’est pas imposante, elle est plutot elegante. Sa taille est petite et mince et elle me semble frele.

Son regard vif nous donne l’impression que nous sommes les-bien-venus. Ses yeux sont ronds, noirs et clairs et sa bouche rieuse et expressive. Son nez est court et son front étroit. Ses cheveux sont longs, abondants, noirs et bien peignées.

Elle a l’air sympathique et elle est souriante.  Elle nous dit bonjour avec une voix nette et mélodieuse et commence à répondre à nos questions. Elle s’exprime avec aisance, sans hésiter. On le croyait timide.

Elle a parle très peu et on a conclusione qu’elle est timide.

Les gestes

Vifs, rapides, précipités, nerveux, lents, posés, larges, amples.

Gesticuler, s ‘agiter, se démener

La voix

Intonation, inflexions, timbre, accent, articulation, débit, diction.

Hauteur : grave, basse, caverneuse, sépulcrale, aiguë, perçante, criaillante, criarde.

Intensité : forte, sonore, puissante, retentissante, tonitruante, éclatante, faible, sourde, étouffée.

Timbre: clair, vibrant, chaud, métallique, mélodieux, nasillard, enroué, rauque, guttural, chevrotant, doux,  rude.

Articulation : bien articuler, avaler ses mots, bégayer, bafouiller, bredouiller.

Une voix ferme, nette, coupante, traînante.

Élocution : s’exprimer avec aisance, parler d’abondance, avoir de la faconde, chercher ses mots, hésiter.

Le caractère : doux, docile, aimable, sociable, ombrageux, agressif, emporté, volontaire, déterminé, tenace, faible, violent, timide, discret, réservé, malicieux, rusé, orgueilleux.