When an Web application or an API needs to be published to Azure => App Service – Platform as a Service – no need to take care of the virtual machine or the OS. The deployments will be nearly instantaneous because all the infrastructure is already in the place so we can publish directly from the source code.
An App Service plan can be used to scale vertically to add/remove cores or to scale horizontally to add/remove instances. Or use auto-scale.
Use diagnostic tools, metrics tools, debugging tools (even a remote debug session and step through code running inside an App Service) instead of connecting remotely and inspect the environment.
Deployment slots associated with an app service (Staging, QA, Production).
Storage account (BLOB Storage) – store log and diagnostic files, user uploads, application static content (images, videos, script and CSS files) – this way the content will be pushed into Azure Content Delivery Network
Database – Azure SQL (relational model) or Document DB (storing documents) or both. The details (patches, logs) are handled by Azure (database as a service).
To talk about – Azure Resource Group – encapsulates all these resources (App Service, App Service Plan, Storage Account, Azure SQL) – a logical container for resources – grouping all the application resources into a single group will make it easier to manage the Azure services.