Service Level Agreement

SLA defines Microsoft’s commitment for uptime and connectivity and what the customer is entitled to if Microsoft does not meet the commitment.

SLA is specific to each resource in Azure.

SLA also defines under what conditions Microsoft will make the guarantee.

Identify each resource you use, which resources have dependencies on other resources and figure out the expected time up percentage.

Question to ask yourself: Do you need to do better? Will the value of downtime affect your business? How much revenue could i lose?


Notes about clean code

Bad code can bring the company down.

Wading through bad code because we think that sometimes a working mess is better than nothing. Wrong!

Say the truth, most managers want good code. It’s a developer job to defend the code.


Un personnage fictif

La femme avance vers nous à pas petits et lents. Son allure n’est pas imposante, elle est plutot elegante. Sa taille est petite et mince et elle me semble frele.

Son regard vif nous donne l’impression que nous sommes les-bien-venus. Ses yeux sont ronds, noirs et clairs et sa bouche rieuse et expressive. Son nez est court et son front étroit. Ses cheveux sont longs, abondants, noirs et bien peignées.

Elle a l’air sympathique et elle est souriante.  Elle nous dit bonjour avec une voix nette et mélodieuse et commence à répondre à nos questions. Elle s’exprime avec aisance, sans hésiter. On le croyait timide.

Elle a parle très peu et on a conclusione qu’elle est timide.

Les gestes

Vifs, rapides, précipités, nerveux, lents, posés, larges, amples.

Gesticuler, s ‘agiter, se démener

La voix

Intonation, inflexions, timbre, accent, articulation, débit, diction.

Hauteur : grave, basse, caverneuse, sépulcrale, aiguë, perçante, criaillante, criarde.

Intensité : forte, sonore, puissante, retentissante, tonitruante, éclatante, faible, sourde, étouffée.

Timbre: clair, vibrant, chaud, métallique, mélodieux, nasillard, enroué, rauque, guttural, chevrotant, doux,  rude.

Articulation : bien articuler, avaler ses mots, bégayer, bafouiller, bredouiller.

Une voix ferme, nette, coupante, traînante.

Élocution : s’exprimer avec aisance, parler d’abondance, avoir de la faconde, chercher ses mots, hésiter.

Le caractère : doux, docile, aimable, sociable, ombrageux, agressif, emporté, volontaire, déterminé, tenace, faible, violent, timide, discret, réservé, malicieux, rusé, orgueilleux.


The theory of evolution

The idea of souls contradicts the most fundamental principles of evolution.

Darwin theory deprived our souls and if you really understand it you understand that there is no soul (something indivisible immutable and potential eternal). According to it all biological entities evolved gradually step by step through millions of years.

Evolution means change and it doesnt produce an everlasting entity.

Mind is different from soul.

Mind is a flow of subjective experiences (based on sensation and desire). The consciousness is the concrete reality no one can doubt its existence.

Descartes – all other animals are mindless automata , akin to a robot or a vending machines.

Science doesn’t know very much about minds and consciousness. We don’t know how the electrochemical reactions from our brain create the subjective experiences like pain, anger or love.

Une journée à Avignon

Je suis parti de Paris à Avignon  à 7h dans le matin en TGV. Le voyage a duré 2h:40. C’était la premiere fois que j’ai voyagé vers le Sud. Quand je suis arrivé à Avignon je suis allé visiter le Palais des Papes. Cette grande construction gothique du Moyen Age a été la residence pour 9 papes. J’ai pris trois heure pour visiter ce lieu plein d’histoire.

Personne ne dansait sur Le Pont d’Avignon, le fameux pont sur le Rhone. J’ai passé une heure lá.

J’ai visité le Musée du Petit Palais et je me suis promené dans le centre-ville jusqu’a la fin de la journée.

How to prepare a job interview

  1. First impressions – Body language – make sure the first impressions are positive by being aware of:
    • posture
    • facial expressions
    • hand gestures
    • tone of voice
  2. Some past tense verbs for the interview
    • prepared, solved, managed, programmed, scheduled
    • worked, helped, increased, coached
    • acted, instructed, expanded, exceeded

Copying or mirroring the body language of people we’re talking to brings us closer to them.

3 types of questions:

  • ability
  • willingness
  • how well you will fit in

Give a direct answer and refer to the actual job.

Tell a story to catch their attention and share a personal experience about you.

A negative can become a positive!

Basics on phone talk

Phone talk still play a vital role in today world work.

Very important to say your name, who you are and the purpose of the call.

Clear introduction and exchange info, no misunderstandings and friendly closings.

Expressions for having a request and to respond to a request:

Q: Could you…?
A: Yes, i’d be happy to.

Q: Do you…?
A: Certainly..

Q: Would you…?
A: Of course..
A: Not at all..

Expressions for clarifying info:

Q: I’am sorry, i missed that. What did you just say?

A: Oh, let me explain.

Q: Excuse me, i didn’t catch what you said. Could you say it again please?

A: I’d be happy to.

Q: Sorry, i am not sure i understand. What does that mean?

A: Certainly, what i mean is…

I’am sorry, i am unable to confirm at this time. I’ll get back to you as soon as i can.

Unfortunately, i’m not able to at this time. Could i call you back?

Sorry, i’m busy right now but will be happy to call you back.

Expressions when closing the call:

When closing the call use a friendly expression.

Thanks so much. I look forward speaking with you again. Goodbye!

It’s been great talking to you. Thank you! Good bye!

I’ve enjoyed that conversation and we’ll talk again soon. Good bye!