Conventional commits

What is it?

The Conventional Commits is a specification that seeks to improve the commit messages. It can be considered as a standard format when writing commit messages.

Why use it?


  • creates explicit commit history (it describes features, fixes, breaking changes, etc) in order to better communicate the nature of changes to teammates/public/stakeholders and making it easier for contributors by allowing them to explorer a more structured commit history
  • can be processed by automated tools to produce documentation such as release notes or to trigger build and publish processes


  • fix: patches a bug in the codebase
  • feat: introduces a new feature to the codebase
  • BREAKING CHANGE: introduces a breaking change. It can be a part of commit message of any type
  • refactor: improves the existing code base
  • perf: improves the performance of algorithms or general execution time of the product, but does not fundamentally change an existing feature.
  • build: alters the build system or external dependencies of the product (adding, removing, or upgrading dependencies).
  • chore: includes a technical or preventative maintenance task but it is not tied to any specific feature
  • ci: makes changes to continuous integration or continuous delivery scripts or configuration files.
  • docs: makes changes to the documentation
  • style: makes changes to the code style (semicolon, indentation…)
  • test: add tests to an existing feature