Internet of thing examples
In the modern world we live in today, we highly rely on our devices and the connectivity that it offers us.
Internet plays a great role in that connectivity ranging from work to play; we are all addicted to the multiple applications internet has to offer. Internet of things is a term that refers to things that are connected to the internet.
In the past decade the number of devices we used that were connected to the internet were 1 or at max two but now with the advent of more practical applications. We have smartphones, tablets, smart TV’s and even smart watches. It’s estimated that the number of devices that will be connected to the internet in 2020 would be around 50 Billion.
We all want to make the most informed and enlightened decisions based on the vast amount of information available on the internet and this translates to more demand for connectivity between machine and humans.
IoT has greatly influenced the following:
1. Automation.
2. Productivity.
3. Empowerment.
4. Intelligence.
Everything from factories to houses is now being automated with systems interacting with each other to better utilize resources.
The productivity aspect is huge. From Smart phones that have alarm clocks that sync with your calendar to make sure that you wake up at the right time to smart heaters that automatically adjust bathroom temperature to provide for the quickest most comfortable bath.
It is empowering humans to make the most important decisions and to leave trivial predictable decisions to the machines. It is helping us make the best use of our time.
With everything connected, it offers us a great deal of information that is organized and ready to be used, which is resulting in much more intelligent and informed decisions; From which food to pick up when doing grocery shopping to which exercise is best suited for our fitness goals.
Some of the Companies that have taken the initiative and have built IoT friendly products are:
Phillips has created a smart bulb that allows consumers to choose any color for the bulb from any picture in there smart phone with all the bulbs connected it can adjust lighting to create any required setting.
Nest is a smart thermostat device that connects to the internet and uses your input to learn more about your habits.
This makes it intelligent enough to automatically adjust temperature in your house for when you arrive from work or at night or any other time based on you what it’s learned about your behavior.
Notes #2 – C#, Google robots
Which Works Faster- Null Coalescing Operator or GetValueOrDefault or Conditional Operator – A simple benchmark test to check which one is faster: Null Coalescing Operator ??, GetValueOrDefault method or Conditional Operator ?: The conclusion is that if you want to return a default value different than the default for the current nullable type the best choice is ??. If you want to return the default value the GetValueOrDefault is a little more faster.
Go and check the link, it is nice work, you would find great explanations and some charts generated by the benchmark results.
Why Google Wants to Sell Its Robots: Reality Is Hard
Software is far easier to develop and test than hardware. The robots need time to learn continuously and require fundamental research in a number of areas.
Notes #1- Code
Code is political
Is programming an universal medium? An esoteric programming language, LOLCODE, a language based upon the illustrious Donald TrumpTrumpScript, a programming for feminists, C+= (C Plus Equality), these new types of programming languages are used more and more to encourage social changes.
How Much Time Do You Waste While Coding?
Some useful steps to boost your productivity: prioritize your task, manage your distractions, take breaks, set time limits and focus on your goal. To test timeDoctor.
Installing and configuring Git on Windows
To install Git on Windows there is an easy installer you can download from After completing the installation and accepting all the default settings there should be a new application called Git Bash which will help you using Git.
After the installation some basic configurations are required like your name and your email. These are important because Git needs to know who is the author of your commits.
Start Git Bash and type the following commands:
git config --global "Marius Istudor" git config --global "[email protected]"
You can run these commands any time you want but once you have run them they will stick around between updates.
The tool git config lets us changing the configuration variables that controls how Git looks and operates. You can check the settings using the following command:
git config --list
You can check the value of a parameter by typing git config
git config
You can find more commands by typing help:
git config --help
Apprendre le français #2 – Charles Darwin, suivez votre passion
Charles Darwin a toujours senti la présence de son père écrasante. Il était un homme riche et un docteur très connu qui a voulu toute sa vie que ses deux fils deviennent comme lui. Charles, le plus jeune, n’a jamais aimé aller à l’école pour étudier. Il n’était ni bon en latin et en grec ni en algèbre. Tout ce qu’il aimait vraiment était passer son temps dehors, chasser et collectionner des fleurs et des minéraux. Il aimait observer le comportement des oiseaux et prendre des notes sur les différences. À cause de cela son père lui a dit un jour qu’il ferait honte à sa famille et a décidé de l’envoyer à l’école de médecine à Edinburgh. Charles n’a pas pu y rester très longtemps et il a quitté l’école. À son retour, son père lui avait déjà trouvé un futur emploi dans une église mais le jeune fils devrait obtenir un diplôme d’une université prestigieuse. Charles s’inscrit à l’université de Cambridge et pendant ses études il se lie d’amitié avec le professeur Henslow. Charles obtiendra diplôme en 1831.
Charles decide de retourner chez lui pour prendre son poste mais le professeur Henslow lui propose un emploi comme naturalist sur un bateau qui partira quelques années pour observer différents littoraux. Il serait en charge de la collection des plantes et des minéraux. Il ne serait pas payé. Au début, il décline l’offre mais quelques jours plus tard il change d’avis. Avec l’aide de son oncle il convainc son père de le laisser partir. Avant d’embarquer il écrit: ma deuxième vie va commencer et aujourd’hui ce sera comme un anniversaire pour le reste de ma vie.
Quelques jours après l’embarquement Charles commence à regretter: le bateau était trop petit et il avait toujours le mal de mer. En plus, le capitaine du bateau était un fanatique religieux. Pour se calmer, Charles commence à observer la vie sur le bateau.
Quelques mois plus tard ils arrivent au Brésil et Charles est fasciné par la variété de la végétation et de la vie sauvage. À ce moment-là il comprend pourquoi il s’est embarqué dans cette aventure. Il commence un travail herculéen mais qui lui fait plaisir.
What is Internet of Things?
Internet of Things, at its core, is an inter-connected network of devices that collaborate and communicate among themselves and exchange valuable information with each other. This network usually uses internet to link with other devices and can function independently on its own, without external assistance or help. Not only these devices communicate or share information but also make important decisions based on the knowledge that has been shared. In layman’s terms, Internet of Things makes machine to machine (M2M) communication possible i.e. different machines will be able to communicate with each other and performs actions without interference of humans.
The range of devices that are incorporated in IoT include household appliances like coffee maker, television, air-conditioner to industrial machines or cars or any gadget you can think of. IoT is highly scalable, ranging from a smart home where all the devices are connected to each other and thereby efficiently manage energy needs of the home, to smart traffic signal grid that automatically manages or controls traffic of a complete city on its own.
Is the fuss surrounding IoT justified and how does this impact you?
IoT will supposedly change our lives in next few years. According to analyst firm “Garter”, more than 26 billion devices around the world will be connected to form a colossal web of inter-linked sensors/devices that will influence and manage significant part of our lives. Though still in its early stage, the financial opportunity offered by IoT to industrial sector is believed to cross $2 trillion by 2020.
IoT has the potential to transform economies and growth of nations and companies by boosting revenues, fueling innovation and making the system more efficient. The areas or sector that will drive the growth of IoT include smart grids, healthcare industry, automotive sector, security and surveillance or home automation, according to Frost & Sullivan.
Despite so much optimism regarding success of IoT, privacy and security are the biggest challenges that pose a threat to success of IoT. Lot of issues need to be tackled including security i.e. with billions of devices exchanging data, it becomes extremely significant to make sure that the information is secure.
Of all the technology mega trends that are gaining momentum, IoT definitely deserves top position. All the leading technology companies are embracing IoT and pouring in billions of dollars into research and development of IoT to make sure that they are the leader in trillion dollar economic opportunity offered by this technology.
The future for IoT looks promising but deciding whether IoT is a ground-breaking innovation or just marketing gimmick is extremely difficult at this moment. For now the best we can do is educate ourselves about the Internet of Things and its potential impacts, so we are not left behind if IoT juggernaut takes tech world by storm in near future.
Apprendre le français #1- La rébellion de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a commencé à jouer du piano à l’âge de quatre ans sous l’instruction de son père. Léopold, son père, qui était un musicien talentueux, doué, se rend compte que son enfant était exceptionnel. Wolfgang aimait beaucoup s’entraîner et à l’âge de cinq ans il composait déjà sa propre musique.
Léopold emmène son enfant jouer dans les capitales d’Europe et il commence à gagner de l’argent pour sa famille. De plus en plus de monde voulait voir l’enfant prodige.
Wolfgang se soumet aux dècissions de son père mais pendant son adolescence il se sent confus: il voulait développer son propre style de musique mais son père voulait qu’il continue à écrire de la musique plus conventionnelle qui plaisait au public royal et qui rapportait de l’argent.
À l’âge de vingt et un ans son père a accepté qu’il parte à Paris accompagné de sa mère. Il n’a pas pu y rester. Les offres d’emploi reçues ne correspondaient pas à son talent. Plus tard sa mère tombe malade et elle mourra sur le chemin du retour. Son séjour à Paris a été cauchemardesaque.
Après son retour à Salzbourg, Wolfgang decide de ne se plus s’opposer à la volonté de son père et il accepte un emploi médiocre, mais avec le temps, il comprend qu’il n’aime pas jouer du piano comme une poupée. Il voulait composer des opéras mais il ne pouvait pas le faire en restant toujours à Salzbourg. Il a compris que son père représentait un obstacle, une personne qui lui ruinait sa vie, sa santé, sa confiance. Son père était jaloux de son fils et il essayait de réprimer ses progrès.
À l’occasion de son premier voyage à Vienne Wolfgang decide d’y rester, Il ne va jamais retourner à Salzburg et la rupture entre lui et son père sera définitivement consommée.
Hello world!
It is easy to forget and that’s why we need remindings.