7 steps you need to do when you are searching for a job

  1. Identify your skills and areas of interests
  2. Create a professional profile (add information about education, past work experience, special trainings, hobbies and interests)
  3. Read and understand a job description
  4. Application – Resume – a written document of one’s employment, education and skills
  5. Application – Cover letter – introduce the job seeker, show qualifications and formally apply for a job
  6. Networking – a way to introduce yourself to future employers
  7. Interview – demonstrate how you are qualified for the job

How to prepare a job interview

  1. First impressions – Body language – make sure the first impressions are positive by being aware of:
    • posture
    • facial expressions
    • hand gestures
    • tone of voice
  2. Some past tense verbs for the interview
    • prepared, solved, managed, programmed, scheduled
    • worked, helped, increased, coached
    • acted, instructed, expanded, exceeded

Copying or mirroring the body language of people we’re talking to brings us closer to them.

3 types of questions:

  • ability
  • willingness
  • how well you will fit in

Give a direct answer and refer to the actual job.

Tell a story to catch their attention and share a personal experience about you.

A negative can become a positive!