7 steps you need to do when you are searching for a job

  1. Identify your skills and areas of interests
  2. Create a professional profile (add information about education, past work experience, special trainings, hobbies and interests)
  3. Read and understand a job description
  4. Application – Resume – a written document of one’s employment, education and skills
  5. Application – Cover letter – introduce the job seeker, show qualifications and formally apply for a job
  6. Networking – a way to introduce yourself to future employers
  7. Interview – demonstrate how you are qualified for the job

Notes #3 – Career, developers, git

5 Essential Pieces of Career Advice No One Ever Told You

In my opinion the most important of all: Your boss matters more than your company. Having the right mentor is the real key. The second important advice is don’t use data to pick a job, just do what you enjoy doing and be great at it. Also, the technical skills will only get you so far. You will have to learn how to navigate the world of office politics.

What distracts developers

The survey surprised me: « unplanned worked », 24.9% of the votes and « only » 22.7% of votes, social media. Chatty coworkers, meetings, forums and reading/writing emails are other reasons.

Git Commands and Best Practices Cheat Sheet – Print this git cheat sheet!